
Co-Founder, President & CEO, WSBA, President, YMT Consultants

Mary’s Special Set of Skills

  • Business Operations

  • Financial & Funding

  • Launching A Business

  • Sales & Networking

Mary’s Story

If you’re going to help business owners realize their business vision, it’s important that you’re a visionary yourself! Mary McCarthy, President of YMT Consultants, uses over 20 years of business ownership and consulting, along with a strong drive to motivate others to succeed, to help thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners see past challenges and toward possibilities. Mary started YMT Consultants, Inc. in 2009 to assist existing businesses with growing revenue past the 1-million-dollar mark. In 2012, Mary co-founded the Women’s Small Business Accelerator, Inc. (WSBA), a non-profit accelerator dedicated to helping women launch and grow businesses through education and mentoring, regardless of their net worth and education level. In 2023, Mary co-founded Accelerating Angels, an angel fund providing much-needed capital for high-growth women-owned businesses.

Book a video call with Mary

1:1 mentorship sessions

Unlock an exclusive, one-on-one appointment with Mary. During your video session, Mary will offer personalized advice, support and guidance designed to help power your business forward. Consider this your phone a friend (with major bonus points).

  • Duration: 30 minutes

  • Rate: $50